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  • 27 Mar 2017 8:34 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    SACC-GA would like to thank everyone who attended our Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Reception, March 23, 2017. This event was in honor of our members, whom actually are the heart and soul of this organization.

    It was a great evening where we had the pleasure of meeting and reconnecting with old, new members and friends of the Chamber.

    A sincere thank you also to Arnall Golden Gregory who sponsored this event – we truly appreciate your support!

    We look forward seeing you again at our upcoming events this Spring. RSVP for our Company Tour & Roundtable discussion at Skaltek, April 13 and Golf Tournament, April 24.

  • 14 Feb 2017 8:35 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    This year SACC-USA is supporting a scholarship for American students to study International business management in Sweden.

    SACC-USA is pleased to announce the Linnaeus/AIFM Swedish Scholarship:

    • One year Master Program in International Business Strategy at Linnaeus University. Free tuition.
    • Internship with AIF Management AB, in parallel with studies
    • September 2017 to June 2018
    • Location: Kalmar, Sweden
    • Application deadline: February 28, 2017


    • U.S citizen or permanent U.S resident
    • Bachelor’s Degree (or Master’s) in Business or equivalent
    • Genuine interest in internationals business and financial markets
    • Both young professionals and students are welcome to apply

    Click the link below to read more about the Scholarship:

    Linnaeus:AIFM Swedish Scholarship

  • 7 Feb 2017 8:36 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    SACC-GA would like to thank everyone who attended our “Welcome to 2017 Mingle”, February 7, 2017. With roughly 50 attendees, we enjoyed great networking, drinks and hors d’oeuvres, with a beautiful view over downtown Atlanta from the Arnall Golden Gregory headquarter – Thank you our corporate member Arnall Golden Gregory for making it possible!

    We would also like to extend a warm thank you to the Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce-Southeast, the Danish-American Chamber of Commerce-Georgia and the Scandinavian-American Foundation-Georgia for co-hosting this event with us.

    We look forward seeing you again at our upcoming events this Spring. Stay tuned for our Company Tour & Roundtable discussion at Skaltek in early March.


  • 21 Dec 2016 8:38 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    Interview with Jeff Green, President at Qmatic Corporation US


    Qmatic is a company that bridge the online and physical world with smart technology solutions. They would love to help to further bridge Sweden with Georgia. It is a Swedish company with offices in both Atlanta, Georgia and Mölndal, Sweden.

    Jeff Green directs Qmatic U.S. He is a passionate brand and customer experience advocate with more than two decades of leadership experience focused on service delivery, account management and business development. Jeff leads a team of more than 50 employees who focus on ensuring Qmatic customers enjoy an experience as exceptional as the one they strive to deliver for their own customers.


    Why is Qmatic in Atlanta? What’s interesting about Atlanta now and in the future vs. when you first arrived?

    Qmatic has been in the US for the past almost 30 years.  Originally in Illinois, then Asheville, NC, then Duluth, GA since 2011.  Key reasons are accessibility to a major international airport, solid business (and technology) community, and we enjoy being East Coast (easy access to everywhere) with great quality of living in this area for our employees.  Most interesting in the future is the evolution Georgia continues to go through as a international and national technology business center.  

    Is all your business for North America from Atlanta?

    Our direct business is managed out of Atlanta, yes, but we have clients in all 50 states and a sales coverage model for whole US.  We support Canada operationally, Qmatic Canada, but sell and manage clients through channel partners in Canada, and Non US North America.

    What about the DMV in Georgia? Are they a customer? Are you pleased with this success?

    Yes, Georgia Department of Driver Services is a key client of ours in the state.  We partner with 23 of the 44 state run Motor Vehicle departments/agencies.  Pleased with Georgia, yes, working with them on continual improvement of business process and better serving citizens is a key focus for us in our relationship with them.

    Any other big successes in Georgia and the U.S.?

    Many, we focus in 8 key industry segments in the US and have many strong success stories to share. 

    What’s ahead in North America?

    Growth. Locally, regionally, and nationally.  We will be tweaking our org structure to better drive market and industry focused growth.  We are the industry leader in US with huge growth potential.

    Let’s talk about the bridge between Sweden and Georgia, and the ocean that’s been squeezed to being just a river…

    Definitely want to leverage. Working to have a stronger business bridge. From Qmatic US, we are very focused on our national footprint and we are proud of being a Swedish company – we manufacture and create our software and hardware in Sweden.



    Visit at our corporate member Qmatic, founded in Mölndal, Sweden in 1981. They now have 11 international offices worldwide and one of them is in Georgia. Here with their Swedish intern Max who spent the summer of 2016 at their Atlanta office – he had a great time!

  • 17 Dec 2016 8:39 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    Pictures from The Swedish-American Chamber of Commcerce Georgia’s 31st Annual Lucia Gala which was held on December 17, 2016, at Druid Hills Golf Club. Special thanks to our photographer Randy McDow for these beautiful pictures. Thank you all for celebrating our Swedish cultural traditions with us here in Atlanta. We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did. Happy Holidays from SACC-Georgia!

  • 7 Dec 2016 9:12 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    Thank you all for joining us on our 31st Annual Lucia Gala on December 2nd. We had a great time celebrating our Lucia tradition with you, including delicacies from our Swedish Christmas Smorgasbord, cocktails, mingling opportunities, and a moving Lucia performance. Attendees were also able to participate in our silent auction, sing snaps songs and dance to our live band.

    What an unforgettable night!

    All photos are taken by photographer Randolph McDow.

  • 21 Nov 2016 8:41 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    On Saturday, November 19, 2016, SWEA Atlanta organized a traditional Swedish Christmas Market which brought together the entire Swedish-American community of Georgia.

    Don’t miss the annual Swedish Lucia Concert on Sunday, December 11, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at The Winters Chapel United Methodist Church. Read more about it here.

  • 17 Nov 2016 8:43 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)


    On Thursday, November 17, 2016, The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce Georgia organized a company tour at one of our corporate members, Swedish Atlanta-based company Regal Lager. Founded in 1991 by husband and wife Bengt Lager (former Swedish Olympics athlete in modern pentathlete) and Luanne Whiting-Lager, they truly are a family business, not only in the sense of the ownership, but also in terms of their values, mission and not least; customers. During this visit, we were given an interesting insight into the world, industry and machinery around everything from the safety, shipment and even design of baby and children products.

    It started off with a tour of their modern facilities and impressive warehouse, whereby a special presentation of both their history, as well as their various specialized, Swedish-style and inspired products where introduced and explained, and ended with networking and a luncheon, during which regulations in their specific industry – and how they potentially could be changed in the future – were discussed.

    Although they have had their ups and downs throughout the journey of establishing Regal Lager, starting with a thought born through the ideas, concepts and trends they saw in Sweden, which they passionately were eager to introduce to the American market, and seeing many changes in their niched business over the past 25 years – they continously grow, prosper and re-invent themselves, constantly introducing and distributing new, innovate products on the market.

  • 14 Nov 2016 8:47 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    Emily Tepe - aka IVA, is SACC-Georgia's Lucia 2016! This will be her third year in a row to take on the stage as our Lucia Performer at our traditional Lucia Gala. Read more about her here or have a look at her website.

    In 2015, she was appointed Swedish-American of the Year by the Vasa Order of America, more details around this honorary nomination can be found in the clip above, where we get to follow her through her cultural journey from the U.S. to Sweden, where she actually ended up living for 6 years. During that period of time, she experienced a "very deep feeling of peace and calm", while enjoying exploring her roots and heritage, both on a personal and professional level. 

    She candidly shares her wonderful and enriching experience of living in Sweden, and emphasize the value of knowing and celebrating your origin - something that many of our Swedish-American members surely can relate to.

    We are very pleased, proud and excited to have her performing at our 31st Annual Lucia Gala - get your tickets now!

    [caption id="attachment_6418" align="alignright" width="200"] Emily performing last year at SACC-Georgia's 30th Annual Lucia Gala.[/caption]

    Who is Emily Tepe?

    She is a singer, artist, and mentor who cares for the world around her and the world within her.

    What inspires you musically?

    For as long as I can remember I have felt compelled to make music, and it is a constant presence in my life. I have always loved to sing and write songs, and have had many journeys around the world, including my years in Sweden, that have inspired my music. The experiences I have had in my relationships, both good and bad, inform the music that I write. I suppose it’s a way to deal with my emotions. Recently I went through a particularly difficult time in my love life, and that led to some beautiful songs that I now am proud to sing, despite all the pain that brought the songs to me.

    Tell us about your Swedish heritage!

    My ancestors Per Larsson Cock and Margaret Lom came over on the third voyage of the Kalmar Nyckel in 1643. They settled in the colony of New Sweden and my family still lives in the Wilmington/Philadelphia area where they were. As a child I sang every year at the Lucia festival at Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, Delaware and participated in Swedish cultural events, which made me more interested in my Swedish heritage. When I was in graduate school at Manhattan School of Music I decided to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship to Stockholm, where I wound up living for six gloriously cold and dark years.

    How was living in Sweden?

    The Swedes are a caring, progressive people who value serving society as a whole instead of worshipping yourself, the individual. I learned to be more mindful and less ego-driven, and to listen carefully. I also felt a great sense of peace in Sweden, which I did not feel while living in New York the years before, despite a daily yoga and meditation practice. Sweden took me on a deep journey into myself and I learned to hear the true voice within me, not a voice shaped by the priorities of others close to me, or catering to popularity. Sweden helped me find the channel to the music living within me.

    What is your impression of Atlanta and Georgia?

    I was struck by the friendly people in Atlanta, the delicious restaurants, and how much fun you all had at the Lucia Gala. You are a great group of Swedes and Swede-o-philes and it’s always a pleasure to sing for you.

    When did you first come in contact with the Lucia tradition?

    At Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, Delaware, and later I had the chance to lead Lucia celebrations in Stockholm, which was a treat since I knew the songs and traditions from childhood.

    What does Lucia mean to you?

    For me Lucia represents the Swedes' love of singing. It brings warmth and love to a cold environment. When I lived in Stockholm I was struck by how much everyone loved to sing at parties and for friends, and saw beautiful choir singing in the Old City on Lucia day. The lights and the music bring comfort and love to Sweden during a very dark time of the year. I love to light a candle at home during the cold and dark days and play my Lucia music from Adolf Fredriks choir in Stockholm. It brings back so many special memories.

    What can our guests expect from your performance at SACC-Georgia's 31st Annual Lucia Gala?

    I’ve been practicing my fire-swallowing act for some extra flair this year! No, I am kidding, but you will hear some beloved Swedish Lucia songs as well as American classics, and even a song or two of my own.

    As this will be your third year in a row as SACC-GA's Lucia Performer - what do you like most about our Lucia Gala?

    I love that you include the drinking songs in the party. It’s a great way for everyone to get to know each other and builds real camaraderie.

    We thank Emily for her time and look forward to see her performing live at one of the biggest Swedish-American celebrations of the Southeast - SACC-Georgia's 31st Annual Lucia Gala! Don't miss it out on this spectacular event - secure your seat and table at the party on December 17th now!



    Text: Sabina Woldai

    Photo credits: David Norbut

  • 9 Nov 2016 8:50 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

    On Wednesday November 9, 2016, SACC-Georgia held a Wine-Working Event at Brookhaven Wines.

    The evening consisted of a wine tasting during social and business networking among members and friends of the Swedish-American community in Atlanta.

    Host Brandon Tai guided us through a selection of wines from both the “old and new world”, while we had the opportunity to mingle and to learn more about various wines, in a relaxed and enjoyable environment, in an intimate fall social where several new members where introduced to SACC-Georgia’s network.

    To stay updated on our latest news and events, please follow us on social media;

    We look forward to seeing you at our Lucia Gala on December 17th!

Sponsor Spotlight 


The primary objective of SACC-Georgia is to promote an exchange of business, trade, investment, technology and culture between Sweden and the state of Georgia. SACC-Georgia is one of 19 regional chambers across the United States, cooperating under the umbrella of SACC-USA based in Washington, D.C.


303 Peachtree Center Ave NE Ste 600 Atlanta, GA 30303 


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