We had the honor to speak with Susanne Howard, President of SWEA in Atlanta.
What is your connection to Sweden?
I was born and raised in Sweden. After High School I went to Germany to work and I met my husband who was stationed there with the US army. I try to go to Sweden as much as I can to see my family and of course it is easier now to stay in touch via phone and social media.
Tell us a little bit about your organization, what does SWEA Atlanta do?
SWEA Atlanta is a local branch of SWEA International, Swedish Women's Educational Association, which is a global non-profit association for Swedish-speaking women who are or have lived outside Sweden's borders. Our vision is to reach out to as many Swedish-speaking women in the world as we can. SWEA was founded in Los Angeles in 1979 by Agneta Nilsson when she met other Swedish women in the area who were all eager to keep in touch with each other. SWEA is also located in Sweden and is a support for many Swedish women who return home after years abroad.
Do you have anything planned for the coming months?
The main event that we are planning is an outdoor Christmas market on December 4th 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM at Chamblee First United Methodist Church 4147 Chamblee Dunwoody RD, Atlanta, GA 30341. Our Annual Swedish Christmas Market showcases the culture and holiday traditions of Sweden and draws many international and American families from around the state. You can find unique Swedish crafts and gifts such as Swedish home-baked goods, Swedish chocolates and candy as well as traditional and modern handicrafts. We have been meeting regularly via zoom and outdoors during the pandemic, but are hoping to resume indoor gatherings for our members in January and February.
Is it something else you want to bring up?
SWEA Atlanta awards one scholarship a year to a male or female who plans on studying the Swedish language, literature, culture, tradition, music, design, or environment. The scholarship must be used in conjunction with university-level studies. The scholarship can also be awarded to a female non-student who works or is otherwise involved in any of these areas.
For more information about SWEA in Atlanta please visit the website.