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Goodbye to our Spring Intern, Elin Ringqvist

14 Jun 2021 11:31 AM | SACC-Georgia (Administrator)

 What would you consider the best learning experience at SACC-GA?

I would say that the best learning experience was learning  the American business talk. I have worked closely with the executive director and this has taught me how an organization really works. I’ve been involved with invoicing, event planning, and graphic design. Through this experience I have learned how many parts it takes to be an organization.

What is your favorite memory of being an intern at SACC-GA

My favorite memories of being an intern at SACC Georgia are the events. For instance, the Celebration for International Women's Day on March 8th turned out very good. It focused on women in sustainable business. I also have good memories of the exchanges between members that I have had. 

What are you most proud of in your internship?

I am proud of developing the graphic material, including the newsletters and the website. I am also proud of meeting so many inspiring people. I am proud of getting the opportunity to have conversations with these people and improving my communication skills and English. 

What are you going to miss the most about being a SCC-Ga intern?

I am going to miss the relationships I have formed with the members of SACC-GA. I feel like I have left a mark here, everyone will remember me as the intern that they never met in person. I will also miss working with everyone at SACC-GA.

What is your next step?

I will start my master’s program in September, but before that I will have two weeks off where I can enjoy the Swedish summer!

Sponsor Spotlight 


The primary objective of SACC-Georgia is to promote an exchange of business, trade, investment, technology and culture between Sweden and the state of Georgia. SACC-Georgia is one of 19 regional chambers across the United States, cooperating under the umbrella of SACC-USA based in Washington, D.C.


303 Peachtree Center Ave NE Ste 600 Atlanta, GA 30303 


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