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The Swedish & Dutch Chamber Golf Tournament 2018

  • 2 Oct 2018
  • 11:30 AM - 8:30 PM
  • Rivermont Golf Club


The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce-Georgia and the Netherlands American Chamber of Commerce invite companies, chamber of commerce’s and friends to join the Swedish & Dutch Chamber Golf Tournament at Rivermont Golf Club. Each 4-person team will represent its chamber in an 18 hole scramble.

Warm up with a golf pro!

All players will get the opportunity to swing some balls with a professional golf player before the tournament starts. We can all use a tip or two and the pro will be able to help you find your rhythm and swing your best. Drive the ball 300+ yards, shape shots, spin the ball back or just learn to swing the club correctly. Our pro on hand will be able to help you with all of it!

Complimentary food and drinks at the course!

A light lunch will be provided prior to the start of the tournament and complimentary drinks will be available at the course. Food and drinks will be served during the award reception, where you will have an opportunity to win raffle prizes.

11:30 AM Welcoming

12:30 PM Start of tournament

Register with following information:

  • Your name
  • Name of your team partners
  • Information on all players handicap (official USGA handicap or estimated handicap)
  • All players e-mail addresses

Entry fee

$125/player or
Hole Sponsor: $200, includes sign at a hole

The entry fee includes green fee, cart, range balls, prizes, a light lunch as well as food and drinks during the award reception.

Register here.
Registration and payment deadline: September 18th

Sponsor Spotlight 


The primary objective of SACC-Georgia is to promote an exchange of business, trade, investment, technology and culture between Sweden and the state of Georgia. SACC-Georgia is one of 19 regional chambers across the United States, cooperating under the umbrella of SACC-USA based in Washington, D.C.


303 Peachtree Center Ave NE Ste 600 Atlanta, GA 30303 


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